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Up-to-date system which really works !
15.04.2020 18:24
Города и курорты - Новости туризма


Intistele is a wide-scale project which can find answer for many requests. This tool helps to transmit SMS effortlessly.

Main part

Due to the hurried flow of our life and especially eager to utilise time - many of us select bulk texting as long as that kind is the fastest and the most useful for busy people. .

Advantages and Disadvantages

The usage of SMS has a lot of benefits. For example:

Easy to use. Your condition is to sign up and top up the balance. Now you are ready to write a task or spread the important information.

Quality and price. It is convenient to be aware of the limit and refill the balance according to your budget. The quality of send SMS will be perfect.

The average time of SMS distribution assembles from 20 seconds to 3 minutes (if only area you are located has network coverage).

Solutions by department

SMS is a perfect solution for  programmers. SMS software is a powerful tool reach each marketing goals. For example:

Gaining of statistics owing to message campaigns.

Bulk texting could become an inherent part of the department`s everyday routine. SMS can help:

To transfer statistics to XLS or CSV just with one click.

Specified logs and online statistics will keep you updated concerning last activity and sub-account performance.

web designers are able to integrate Intis Telecommunication API gateway.

Thanks to this option it is possible to transfer a lot of  bulk texting, gather status.

Not restricted by time testing access to IntisTele messages software allows debugging your unique program solutions.

It is easy to start with IntisTele SDK for PHP.

Intis Telecommunication plugins and widgets were created for smoothing integration of most major CMS (WordPress).

SMS commands are a rescue for sysadmins as they can establish distant administration and server management.

Notify timely concerning any issues.

No need for internet access, because all servers are managed by SMS commands.

Business owners also could arrange the employees' workflow with the help of a bulk texting program. Set tasks for your coworkers.

Put in order your everyday corporate workflow with the help of SMS.

Obtaining response from users by way of bulk texts.

On the website it is possible to get acquainted an understandable web interface, variant of payment action that matches every wallet and a very captivating affiliate program. With the help of SMS software:

Everybody will be surprised by the speed of message delivery.

Industries and SMS solutions

The bulk texting system solution is suitable for offline and online shopping. This service solves a issues of different spheres in various industries.

It is a excellent solution for trading. With SMS system there is an opportunity to install notifications about discounts.

SMS system is possible to be used for the beauty industry. It can be applied in sports clubs.

This message will warn clients about special offers in the beauty sphere.

You are able to apply SMS software into your transport actions, such as transportation companies.

This software is the best solution boost travel & transport operations and make clients enjoy the best adventure in the time of their journeys.

Bulk texting could be helpful for startups and IT. This integration is crucial for SaaS.

Message warn to supply safety. It could be applied for supplying companies.


It is easy to refill your balance and set the budget which you can contribute. Intis Telecommunication is able offer numerous ways to fund the balance. For example, Paypal.

Application Programming Interface

API is a method, with the help of which one device can to cooperate with the other PC. The system was created for mixing varied apps in one complex.

With API you can request for balance

It can be introduced to CRM.


If any questions have left concerning the program and how it works, do not wait to attend IntisTele FAQ.

SMS guidelines

Make message targeted.  the database into individual categories by gender.

Now you can deliver offers only to clients who are interested in service.

Integrate call-to-action into your bulk texting mail-outs. The text should include information which will inspire the potential client make a move. For reaching the desired result, do not forget to leave a link to the website.

Create all the basic conditions for customers to visit and after that it is more likely to gain conversion rates.

Write short and sharp . The worst things you can figure out for your message mail-out is sophisticated wording.

The plenty of text in the message could force the user neglect it sooner than view. The laconic SMS is major to high conversions.

Affiliate program

Owing to a unique Intis Telecommunication Affiliate program every customer could achieve a commission because of attracting new customer. You are able to get around to 10% of the month's top-up balance payment, which is made by the user you have brought to this software.


Sending SMS about events could become the best solution for your business. It will improve your profit. Because of this bulk texts are widely spread among retailers.

Information sources: https://www.intistele.com/



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